About Vicki
Meet Vicki...
Vicki works with people who want to regain control of their health by using food as medicine to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, A1C, reduce or eliminate inflammation throughout the body and stop or reduce dependence on prescription medications. She knows firsthand that through leaning into a whole food, plant-based lifestyle many chronic diseases can be reduced or eliminated.
Vicki resolved her high cholesterol, being overweight, pre-diabetes and the aches and pains due to inflammation after transitioning to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle.
Vicki has a plant-based nutrition certification from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell.
She is certified as a plant-based coach through the Food Revolution Network’s Plant-based Coaching Certification program. She studies under Dr. John McDougall program and is working towards certification in the Starch Based Solution.
Vicki holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Washington. Outside of her passion for coaching, she loves cooking, developing heathy whole food, plant-based recipes, gardening, talking long walks and being outside. She loves parenting her identical twin sons and caring for the family’s two cats. She enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends.